I have decided on creating a magazine front cover as part of my project and have taken many things into consideration.One of the main things i have focused on is the codes and conventions of a Magazine front cover as this will be very important when creating my own and making it effective and successful.
here are some of the following conventions i will hope to follow:
A masthead. The name of the magazine is usually placed at the very top of the magazine and is in a large and bold font, often situated more to the right hand side as this side shows when stack in a news agents. It is the biggest font on the page because it is iconic to the magazine therefore must stand out and grab the audiences attention. The masthead always remains the same, however the colour may vary throughout many of the issues. Sometimes part of the masthead is covered up by the main focal image to draw more attention to it, however this is only usually done with very popular well known magazine that can be eaily recognised without the entire masthead.
• Main headline. This will be a headline about whichever film is being featured on the front cover. It is normally placed over the image and is in large font, however not as large as the masthead.
• Strapline. This is placed underneath the headline and gives audiences some indication as to what the article that is featured includes.
• Sub-headings. Subheadings are plugs as to what other features are going to appear within the magazine. Most magazines include two or three, and sometimes place pictures with these subheadings.
• Feature photograph. There is always one main image used and this is conventionally an image of the main film. Usually an actor or actress that usually appears on the front cover is well known and easily recognised by audiences. They will represent the film, their attire will depend entirely on the person or magazine, either in costume or casual wear. The actor and costume is an audience expectation as this is convention signifies what genre the film is.
I have also taken into account other conventions of a film magazine:
In order for my magazine front cover to be succesful these must be included to create realism and verisimilitude with my own magazine, making it fitting for audience consumption and sale.
Magazine analysis:
Entertainment Weekly is an American magazine and is published by Time, which is a division of Time Warner. The first issue was published in 1990 and circulates an average of 1.7 million copies per week.
Firstly i will analyse the magazine cover of Entertainment. In this edition the main star of the fron cover is Jonny depp, featured central of the cover and is the only photograph on the entire magazine cover, this shows to the audience the significance and importance of the image. Also that the film that he is starring in is extremely succesful and worth watching. This is verygood for the film makers as this magazine is renowned and will have high marketing benefits.
The main article of this issue is the “early Oscar contenders”, one of whom is Johnny Depp, hence him being the main image. The headline “Johnny Depp” is in bold white font, which stands out amongst the dark image of Depp and is positioned over the image, in the bottom third of the cover. There are only three main colours used on the front cover, these are blue, white and red. The white and blue represent the cold and harsh character of Sweeney Todd and the red carries connotations of blood, passion and danger.
The text on the cover is quite minimal with other sub features at the bottom of the magazine cover in smaller font.This minimal technique is very effective as it makes the magazine cover more aesthetically pleasing.
The next magazine cover i will analyse is Empire
Empire Magazine is the biggest film magazine published in Britain and is published monthly, it's first ever issue was made in July 1989.
This cover is quite different front the previous cover i had analysed in the way which it is quite the opposite to minimalist, there are many elements that make up this cover and many bright, almosy hard colours that jump out at the reader, demanding attention to the magazine, drawing in the audience. When looking at the colours portrayed on the front cover they are all bright and jump out at the reader, this is a look which many editors go for so that there magazine stands out from the rest. The use of the colour flureouscent green can be seen as a connotation of sci-fi films which can be linked to the main article featured in the magazine which is the hit science fiction film 'Batman'.
The font is that which links with the joker theme, keeping an ongoing theme and reminding audience of what the main feature of the magazine is about,
Even the central image of the magazine of the joker is quite busy at he is surrounded by other elements such as bars behind him, this suggests to the audience that he is a bad guy and could be in prison, This is reinforced by the over the top smudged face paint, which conceals his real identity making him mysterious and unknown to the audience. The smug smirk accross his face also makes thecharacter look more evil.
Here are some drafts of my magazine:
Here are some name ideas for my magazine:
Motion picture
here are some of the following conventions i will hope to follow:
• Main headline. This will be a headline about whichever film is being featured on the front cover. It is normally placed over the image and is in large font, however not as large as the masthead.
• Strapline. This is placed underneath the headline and gives audiences some indication as to what the article that is featured includes.
• Sub-headings. Subheadings are plugs as to what other features are going to appear within the magazine. Most magazines include two or three, and sometimes place pictures with these subheadings.
• Feature photograph. There is always one main image used and this is conventionally an image of the main film. Usually an actor or actress that usually appears on the front cover is well known and easily recognised by audiences. They will represent the film, their attire will depend entirely on the person or magazine, either in costume or casual wear. The actor and costume is an audience expectation as this is convention signifies what genre the film is.
I have also taken into account other conventions of a film magazine:
Possible awards that the magazine may have being awarded
Picture to advertise main feature film
Matching Colour scheme, involving photo and text
Bar code
Date and Issue number
Smaller feature in magazine
In order for my magazine front cover to be succesful these must be included to create realism and verisimilitude with my own magazine, making it fitting for audience consumption and sale.
Magazine analysis:
Entertainment Weekly is an American magazine and is published by Time, which is a division of Time Warner. The first issue was published in 1990 and circulates an average of 1.7 million copies per week.
Firstly i will analyse the magazine cover of Entertainment. In this edition the main star of the fron cover is Jonny depp, featured central of the cover and is the only photograph on the entire magazine cover, this shows to the audience the significance and importance of the image. Also that the film that he is starring in is extremely succesful and worth watching. This is verygood for the film makers as this magazine is renowned and will have high marketing benefits.
The main article of this issue is the “early Oscar contenders”, one of whom is Johnny Depp, hence him being the main image. The headline “Johnny Depp” is in bold white font, which stands out amongst the dark image of Depp and is positioned over the image, in the bottom third of the cover. There are only three main colours used on the front cover, these are blue, white and red. The white and blue represent the cold and harsh character of Sweeney Todd and the red carries connotations of blood, passion and danger.
The text on the cover is quite minimal with other sub features at the bottom of the magazine cover in smaller font.This minimal technique is very effective as it makes the magazine cover more aesthetically pleasing.
The next magazine cover i will analyse is Empire
Empire Magazine is the biggest film magazine published in Britain and is published monthly, it's first ever issue was made in July 1989.

This cover is quite different front the previous cover i had analysed in the way which it is quite the opposite to minimalist, there are many elements that make up this cover and many bright, almosy hard colours that jump out at the reader, demanding attention to the magazine, drawing in the audience. When looking at the colours portrayed on the front cover they are all bright and jump out at the reader, this is a look which many editors go for so that there magazine stands out from the rest. The use of the colour flureouscent green can be seen as a connotation of sci-fi films which can be linked to the main article featured in the magazine which is the hit science fiction film 'Batman'.
The font is that which links with the joker theme, keeping an ongoing theme and reminding audience of what the main feature of the magazine is about,
Even the central image of the magazine of the joker is quite busy at he is surrounded by other elements such as bars behind him, this suggests to the audience that he is a bad guy and could be in prison, This is reinforced by the over the top smudged face paint, which conceals his real identity making him mysterious and unknown to the audience. The smug smirk accross his face also makes thecharacter look more evil.
Here are some drafts of my magazine:
Here are some name ideas for my magazine:
Motion picture

Magazine cover draft
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